Population balance equation (PBE) allows us to quantify the change of distribution of a single or a set of descriptors in a sample population. Seminal work in PBE was done by Marian Smoluchowski, who was a Polish scientist working on the foundations of statistical physics. A typical application in fluid dynamics context is a size distribution of a dispersion such as those encountered in gas-liquid or liquid-liquid flows where bubbles or drops play the role of the sample population. The methodology is more general though and has been used in other branches of modern science in order to study polymerization, biological cells or as models of ecosystems. Also, Lattice Boltzmann numerical techniques are based on this methodology. We are focused here on the fluid dynamic application and PBE will be used in order to capture the change of volume due to breakup and coalescence processes in bubbles or drops.
PBE are a set of integro-differential equations derived from Boltzmann equation for the number density function describing the size. The interaction term captures the coalescence and breakup processes through integrals over breakup or coalescence rates and the density function itself. For certain forms of these kernel functions equations can be solved analytically, but with the advent of computational methods it is also possible to obtain numerical approximations to the solutions of kernels of more general type.
In this post I will show a comparison of analytical solutions for pure breakup and pure coalescence cases. We discretise continuous PBE equations with finite volume and the choice of internal variable grid follows Hidy and Brock (1970) paper. The comparisons for pure breakage and agglomeration replicate the PBE testing reported in paper by Kumar and Ramkrishna (1996).
The exercise is performed in order to develop a calculation tool with simple python interface. The tests were a side product of other projects that I am running at the moment.